Man on the moon

Man on the moon

Monday, February 27, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

space poem

Space would be a fun place to have a race. In space an alien can tear off your face.In space aliens have UFOs and in space aliens have three toes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Apollo 11

This is one small step for man, One giant leap for man kind. 8.32 PM July 16, 1969 Apollo 11 has lift off on its adventure to the moon. The Saturn V didn't  actually Mack it to the moon it just carried the command and lunar modual in to orbit. We landed on the moon 3.14 Am July 20, 1969

Monday, January 23, 2012

time travel

Is it possible to travel through time. People have been coming up with some weird devices. Like in Napoleon Dynamite where Uncle Rico got a time machine with Kip.Alot of people say that there are things, black holes, where if you go through them you can supposedly either travel to a new dimension or a moment many years ago, aka time travel. I think it's possible.

Friday, January 20, 2012


 Some people say we will soon be able to live on the moon and some say it is already possible that there already bases.I don't think we will live on the moon. If we could we would have been created on the moon and not Earth. Please leave a comment with your opinions.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


   Are aliens real? Is there life out there? I'd like to think so. It's kind of open interpretation. Some claim to have been abducted  but with all the lies in the world it can be hard to find the truth. Some may have benn telling the truth and some may not have been. The liers ruin the chances of the truthful ones being believed.
So there may and may not be extratorestrial life galaxies away or even closer. I hope that we will soon find out.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Saturn V

The Saturn V.   The rocket from the apollo missions Designed by Warner Von Bron. The saturn had 4 stages, The ferst stage had five F-1 engines fueled by liquid oxygen and kariseen. All the rest had J-2 engines and were fueled by liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen.The Saturn V was the rocket that brought up  skylab    which was eventually grounded.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Is space really endless or is the problem that we just haven't travelled far enough.Maybe  if we travel far enough we will come across a dead end.I  accidentally came across a movie on tv,Horton hears a who, and in that he finds a dandelion that is a planet for these little small creatures.Maybe our whole universe is something much smaller than anybody notices.Maybe we are small creatures.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


       Is the milky way really made out of milk? Does it taste like a milky way candy bar or is it more like hot chocolate? I s the moon really made out of cheese? I like cheese alot. My friend Scott will now explain.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dwight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Universe is diferent material. If you were to eat it it would taste diferent in other locations, like here on Earth. Diferent things taste different. How do you know? Have you taken a big bite of soil lately?Well okay enough said I'll ask more questions later.